Summer 2022
See, do, learn
You’ll be greeted by a giant purring kitten, can see veterinary medicine in action, find the latest in urban farming, watch water quality testing, and much more in the realms of food, water, and animal and human health. Here’s a guide to all you’ll find at CSU Spur.
Hot take
Along with waste, we routinely flush hot water down our drains. An innovative clean-energy system at the National Western Center draws heat from Denver’s wastewater and uses it to warm new buildings. The sewer-heat recovery system is the largest of its kind in North America.
Field trip
Since the Vida building opened in January, thousands of Colorado schoolkids have visited to learn about animal and human health. Opportunities are expanding with the opening of the Terra and Hydro buildings. Tag along on a class visit through this photographic essay.
Horsing around
Like human athletes, equine athletes need specialized care to prevent, treat, and recover from injuries. The new Equine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic in the Vida building offers this veterinary care for horses whose work involves notable stresses and strains.
Citizen artist
Anthony Garcia is a Mexican American muralist from the Globeville neighborhood near the National Western Center. He’s bringing his vision for art and community to the Hydro building with a mural that reflects the movement of water and the beauty of Hispanic culture.
Testing the waters
Denver Water supplies 1.5 million people with one of life’s necessities. But, first, the utility runs more than 200,000 tests per year to ensure the safety of household water. CSU Spur will become the nexus of that work when the utility’s water quality laboratory moves to the Hydro building.
See Jane ranch
Janie VanWinkle is a fourth-generation cattle rancher near Grand Junction and past president of the Colorado Cattlemen’s Association. In her leadership role, she is shaping forthcoming education about the livestock industry at the National Western Center in Denver.
Green thumb
With support from CSU Spur, students at nearby Bruce Randolph School are learning about food and agriculture – and foreseeing college studies and career paths that could help them tackle food security in low-income neighborhoods like their own.
Animal attraction
The new virtual reality laboratory in the Vida building features a program that’s improving anatomy education worldwide. Visitors may pull on headsets and learn with the Virtual Animal Anatomy program developed at Colorado State University’s top-ranked veterinary school.
Spurring innovation
CSU Spur continues to bloom with opening of the Terra building; Hydro is ahead. The Denver campus spurs innovation through public education, research, and community outreach – starting by hooking schoolkids on college and careers in the critical fields of food, water, and health.